Discover our 3D Media range

6 Things to know about the effectiveness of our products

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What is 3D Media?

  • Multisensory boost

    Multisensory boost

    Multisensory boost
    Touch, Hear, See. These mutually reinforcing perception channels increase the neural activity of the user’s brain by up to 1000%. Every time the user folds, twists or play with our items, it increases message perception and retention.
  • Generating Desire

    Generating Desire

    Generating Desire
    Scientific studies reveal that physical interaction with an object increases appreciation and creates a desire for possession. The user makes your message their own and takes possession of it. (Scientifically known as "endowment effect".
  • Playfully grasping the meaning

    Playfully grasping the meaning

    Playfully grasping the meaning
    The desire to play and focus attention generates positive emotions, openness and the willingness to get involved. Users understand your message more quickly and remember it more positively.
  • The Multiplier effect

    The Multiplier effect

    The Multiplier effect
    Anyone with a folding cube likes to show it to their colleagues and friends. People like to circulate it and talk about it, indirectly broadcasting your advertising message through personal recommendation.
  • Radiating effect

    Radiating effect

    Radiating effect
    High-precision manufacturing and high-quality finish communicate the quality of your brand to users. The desire to play and explore ensures 100% attention and high interaction with your message.
  • Lasting impact

    Lasting impact

    Lasting impact
    Our products boast an exceptionally high retention period in the field of view of its owner, who likes to hold it and play with it time and again. In the case of a Magic Concepts calendar, this period is at least 12 months and usually even longer.
  • Unlimited design options

    Unlimited design options

    Unlimited design options
    Our range offers plenty of design options, and can be used for new Product launches, tell your Brand Anniversary story, communicate company values or serve as an invitation, calendar or attractive mailshot supplement.

Intermed Asia Ltd

2005-2007, 20/F, The Metropolis Tower, 10 Metropolis Drive,
Hung Hom, Kowloon,
Hong Kong

t: (+852) 2739 8208

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